When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Please help me

I was at a meeting with some General Managers yesterday. These are my friends (thank God!) and I can depend on them to say what they feel. They truly let their "yes mean yes" and their "no mean no" (Matthew 5:37). We were speaking about some topic or the other and my training methods came up. One of the GMs made an off-hand remark, saying "Steve is a good trainer, but he gets really grumpy and short with you when you don't learn fast enough." This got a laugh out of the group (and I joined in with them), but I put that little bit of information away, thinking I might speak with the individual later and find out exactly why she felt this way, as I didn't realize this is one of my faults. A little later, I was doing a "hands-on" demonstration of a procedure that I have to do in my position out in the field. Often I have to drill out tumblers from locks before I can auction goods that have been in storage and the customers have not paid. I have to have a witness when I do this. Usually it is a GM. Anyway, as I was demonstrating to the GMs this procedure, one of the guys who watches me drilling locks a lot, said, "Steve, that's not how you always do it. You have to use the "Catholic language". I looked quizzically at him and he said, "You know, when you swear at the MF'n customer for not paying his bill or for not putting the lock on the right way that will make it easier to drill, or you'll swear at the lock for being too difficult to open once you've drilled it." This again got a huge roar of laughter and a lot of nodding heads as the rest of the team agreed with his assessment of my demeanor when faced with frustration.
It also got me to take a deeper look at myself and the pride I take in being a Catholic. Is this the picture I want to paint for others as to how Catholics behave? I am ashamed. I am going to try (starting yesterday) to think before I speak and ask Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to help me remember that, just as I see Christ in others, others should be able to see Christ in me. How can you help? I would like any of you who witness me falling into this type of behavior (using swear words), please remind me that it is not how a good Catholic behaves.

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