When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

This 'n that

Yesterday was my birthday. We celebrated it today because my youngest, Sarah, had meetings yesterday and couldn't be home for dinner until tonight. It's strange. Up until this year, I made requests for what I would like as birthday gifts. This year, I really didn't want anything other than to have my family around me. Maybe the older I get the less materialistic I become. I hope so. There is so much more important than "things". Of course, I thank the family for the nice gifts they got me anyway. And especially thanks to Mom, I now have a complete set of the Liturgy of the Hours.

God, I am so excited about the impending birth of my granddaughter, Lilliana Noelle! She is due on December 15. I pray that she is healthy and that Alicia and Lorenzo continue their journey back to the catholic church. We sent for Lorenzo's baptismal certificate today so he can enroll in RCIA (at his request). He and Alicia have been attending mass every Sunday. We attended together this morning and I am impressed with his apparent devotion. He is a nice young man and it is evident that he loves Alicia very much. I could do a lot worse.

I was watching a couple of football games yesterday and today. Was I thinking about the games? No. All I can seem to think of and marvel at is how many people were in the stadiums. The marvel of it, if you think about it, is that a stadium holds 70,000 to 80,000 people. I heard somewhere that this is the estimated number of people that Jesus preached to over the 3 years from the proclamation of His Kingdom to His death on the cross. Can you imagine seeing and hearing Our Lord face to face? Even then, only a fraction of those who heard Him believed him to be the Son of God. From that small number of believers who believed because they had seen, there are now billions of Christians who believe on faith! This staggers my mind and shows the love and hope that the Word of God brought forth those many years ago are the same Word that continues to bring those gifts today.

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