When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

While looking for pictures to post for my blog today, (it's actually after midnight, so technically it's tomorrow!), I came across this picture that was drawn by a 9-year old boy, Derek Frey. The theology of this child is something that is so simple, yet profound.

The first reading at Mass today (yesterday?) was from Hosea. Bob and I were talking the other day on the phone and we were marveling at how, no matter how many times we've read the Bible, or how many Bible studies he's done, we still find "new " things we didn't realize in our previous readings. Like today. It was actually quite a funny story. You probably had to be there to get the humor, but I'll relate the story anyway.

Father was giving his homily and said that the book of Hosea is about a man and his wife, who is an adulteress but Hosea still loves her and keeps trying to "win" her back to God's teachings, and to save her soul. Father remarked that Hosea's wife's name is Gomer. All of a sudden he let out a laugh and said "Gomer! ShaZam!" Those of us old enough to remember Gomer Pyle cracked up. Then the homily got serious again and we got the message--that the more Christ pulls on our heartstrings to love Him, the further a lot of us move away from Him. And that despite our hardness of hearts, He never loves us any less, and continues to pull. It doesn't matter how obstinate we are. He wants us to be with Him, and He is a lot more patient and persistent than we can ever imagine.

I started out in Fresno this morning. I had to do some equipment transfers for the Modesto location, so after Mass I headed to Modesto. On the way there, I was listening to catholic radio and the guy was saying we should offer EVERYTHING we do EVERY DAY as a prayer for our special intentions. He said he felt it was even more meaningful if the task at hand was especially unpleasant and it was done cheerfully nonetheless. I thought, "OK, I'll give that a try today, Lord."

I got to Modesto about 10AM and picked up two other drivers. We drove to Atwater (which was a backtrack of about 40 miles for me!) then back to Modesto. We turned right around and made a trip to Los Banos (60 miles, one way) for more trucks. When we dropped those off, I was asked to make another trip to Los Banos to get still more equipment! By the time I was done, we were able to serve 9 families that would not have been able to move tomorrow, and I didn't get home until well after 8PM!

I'm sorry to say I didn't "say" these "prayers" as cheerfully as I intended when I made the promise! I'm exhausted tonight! Ah, well, maybe next time!


You may notice on the left of this page is two new items. The first is a link to some resources for prayers to help the Holy Father celebrate "The Year of the Priest." Please choose one or two of these prayers on behalf of YOUR priests or ALL priests.

And let's not forget to ask Our Lord to soften the hearts of more young men to enter His holy priesthood!

O Lord, my God, You renew the Church in every age by raising up priests outstanding in holiness, living witnesses of Your unchanging Love. In Your Plan for our salvation You provide shepherds for Your people. Fill the hearts of young men with the spirit of courage and love that they may answer Your call generously. Give parents the grace to encourage vocations in their family by prayer and good example. Raise up worthy priests for Your Altars and ardent, but gentle servants of the Gospel. Give the Church more priests and keep them faithful in their love and service. May many young men choose to serve You by devoting themselves to the service of Your people. Amen.

The second item is a counter. It will explain it's own purpose. Please pray the rosary as fervently and as often as possible. The Divine Mercy chaplet at the 3 O'clock hour is not a bad idea, either.

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