When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Better luck tomorrow

I had an opportunity to go to adoration at St. Anne’s today just before the 5:30pm Communion service. It wasn’t a Mass, because two of the priests are on vacation, and Father Brandon is on a retreat. It’s weird that they are all gone at once, but we all need rejuvenation once in a while, even priests (ESPECIALLY priests!).

Usually when I go to adoration, I just meditate, say a rosary or two and maybe the Divine Mercy chaplet and before I know it, Mass has begun. I rarely ask for favors (even though I’m sure He would be open to them) because I feel like I’m there to thank Him for what He’s already blessed me with—my family, my friends, my job, my home, my life.

Today though, I had a simple request. I wanted inspiration for tonight’s blog. I have been hot and cold on my entries because some days I just don’t have the time or the right mind-set for a proper meditation. My brother Bob once told me when talking about requesting favors from God, “Be careful what you ask for—because when He grants your request, it might be a lot more than what you expect!”

I no sooner asked for the inspiration than thoughts started flooding my mind. So many, in fact, that it was hard to sort them out and I won’t be able to use them today, because my mind is too full. I think the simplest of the thoughts may be the best inspiration for today. And so here are the thoughts that raced through my mind for the hour in no particular order.

The Eucharist. Thanksgiving. The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. The Mass. The Liturgy of the Word. The Passion. Trust. Hope. Faith. Love. Mary. Yes. Persistence. LOVE.

Now I have a headache. Too much thinking. I guess I’ll offer it up. In the meantime, readers, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for a profound meditation--in fact, I've already started writing it.

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