When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Faith is being able to wait on the will of God

I'm sorry there was no post yesterday--the laptop froze up for some reason. It's also acting up again tonight, but I'll try to put something together anyway.

At Mass this morning, the sermon was on joy vs happiness. I've written on the subject before, in this post. Today's gospel got me meditating on it again though. Here's a guy who is covered in sores that must be very painful. Not only that, but because of the lerposy, he cannot be around his family or friends anymore, so he must be very lonely as well. His faith is so strong that he knows the only cure for his condition is a miracle from God. And through his faith, he knows that Jesus is going to bring that miracle about. Here's the kicker, he doesn't demand that Jesus cure him, he ASKS to be cured. I get from the wording in the gospel ("if you will it") that the leper is perfectly willing to remain in his current condition until it is the will of God to effect the cure. That's what faith is.

I would like to write more on this subject, but with this computer issue in a hotel room, I'm getting frustrated and I'm not in a very Christian mood right now. So more tomorrow. I'm sorry.

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