When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Decisions, decisions

Have you ever noticed that when there was something really important to be done, Jesus went one of two places: the mountain or the desert? As He was getting ready to name the apostles, He went up the mountain for a time to pray and to be certain that what He was doing was in the Father's perfect will.

In doing so, He set the example for us. If each of us would take the time to go a little way apart and pray before any important decision in our lives, I think we might be surprised at how much improved our lives might be.

You might rightly point out that a great many of us have neither a mountain nor a desert nearby to retire to. And you would be right. As with all such inconveniences, we would need to make our own desert. It might be a corner of a study or it could be the path we take to walk the dog. It might be an hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament, or the time we devote to gardening and taking care of our homes.

Wherever it may be, that time spent in prayer will bring about the greatest fruitfulness that your life has ever seen. The decisions you make, whether right or wrong, will give you greater peace of mind and heart than you have ever experienced. The next time an important decision must be made, try it.

I think the Apostles set the standard for us. They went up the mountain with Jesus, “that they might be with him.” They followed Jesus away from the hustle and bustle of their lives to hear what He had to say. And upon hearing Jesus, they went forth to preach; the apostles just listened and acted, no questions asked. It is not enough to simply check in with God and get His two cents; we are called for more. His call is two-fold. We are called to discern God’s will for us through prayer and communion with Him, and then follow the call. Are we really prepared to do this, though?

This is where the importance of a strong prayer life comes into play. Without it, we neither will have the patience to hear God’s call, nor the strength to follow it. It’s been three weeks from the start of the New Year, when many people make their resolutions for bettering their lives. But few of us take steps to make real improvements in the area that really matters, in our relationship with God. It’s not too late.

Make this be the year that we really make God our first priority. Maybe we can stop in at church more to pray during the week, attend one more Mass each week, or go to confession more often. Frequent the sacraments. If we take some real, concrete steps in strengthening our relationship with God, living for Jesus won’t be a radical way; Jesus will be the real way.

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