When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A little bit of history

After Mass today, I spent the afternoon with Mom.  We were talking about a man who had approached my brother Dick asking if he was related to Alonzo Lafayette Farnsworth.  When he replied that yes, Alonzo was his great-grandfather, the other guy said that they were probably related! 

While we were conversing, I thought I would use the "Bing" search engine to search for Great-grandpa.  That's when I found the link, above.  Then, after reading about him (although I had heard the story about a thousand times before), I searched for my grandfather's name and found this biography of my grandfather, in his own words.  I am proud of my Grandfather's bravery, leadership and faith.  Although I don't share his belief in the Mormon religion, I respect his adherence to his beliefs through all the hardships he and my Grandmother had to endure.

Of further interest to my readers may be the story of  my Aunt Ruth, who was murdered on the Island of Guam in December of 1948.

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