When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Decisions, decisions

Sometimes it’s hard to decide what to write about in this blog.  I was reading through it from the beginning today and I see an evolution of my style and substance.  At first, I was writing it primarily for fun.  I thought someone out there in “internet-land” might be interested in the thoughts of an ordinary Catholic man as he tries to increase his faith and grow closer to God.

One day I inadvertently left the site up on a computer at work after showing it to one of the guys I work closely with.  Another of my co-workers saw it after I left and called me to say he enjoyed reading it, but more importantly that he would like to ask me some questions about my Catholic faith.  He was searching for God and my writing was—in his words—“simple enough for me to be interested in what your faith has to offer.”  We did speak several times and had many discussions about the Bible and Catholicism in general and even attended a Mass together once!  That’s what led me to believe this could be a great tool to use in evangelization and again, bolster my own faith in the process.

I've had about 5 more people I work with over the last 4 or so years since I began writing this blog ask me about one article or another.  I have decided I will keep writing and planting seeds as long as the Holy Spirit wants me to.

In my own opinion, I think my writing has run the gamut from mundane to profound.  Some days I feel profound, and some days my thoughts are so boring I’d rather not talk about them.  Then there are the days when I WANT to write something, but there are so many thoughts running loose in my head it’s hard to decide which would be the most interesting for my readers.  Today is one of those days.

This artice, and this one are the two most-read posts that I’ve written, according to statistics kept for me by “Blogger”.  I must admit they are a couple of my favorites as well, but they are two pretty diverse entries.  So that didn’t give me a clue as to what to write about today. 

The Saint of the Day is always a popular topic.  Today’s saint is Saint Angela de Merici, but I already wrote about her in this entry.

The Gospel today was the beginning of St. Luke’s Gospel.  I had quite a meditation on what I would feel or say or do if I were one of the Jews in the temple when Jesus sits down after reading Isaiah and says “Today, in your hearing, this Scripture is fulfilled.”  But there were so many different ideas in my meditation that the entry would be a) long and b) confusing.

Then, I was going to write how grateful I am to God through Jesus that Lily and I are finally feeling better after this last bout with the flu that’s going around.  Wait, I just did that!

So instead, while driving to Fresno tonight to begin another week of work at least 150 miles away from my family, I was staring at a full moon.  You have probably seen the kind I’m writing about—larger than normal, low on the horizon, brighter than anything else around.  And the only thoughts that went through my mind almost the entire drive were “I know God created that beautiful moon.  He saw that it was good.  And Jesus (Who is God) looked up in the night sky and saw the SAME moon.  What were HIS thoughts as he gazed upon it? Did He look upon it with His divine nature and have a sense of pride in His creation?  Or did He look at it with His human nature and feel the same feelings I had tonight?”  I took the thoughts even further.  When He looked at it, did He chuckle at the thought that a thousand years later and more, people would be fascinated by how the moon, the stars and the sun interacted with one another or did he lament that they wouldn’t realize it doesn’t matter?  By the way, that’s the reason the Catholic Church is not against science.  While science can help us in regards to medicine and technology, it will NEVER get us to Heaven.  Only faith in God through Jesus Christ by the grace of the Holy Spirit can do that.  And that is one thing science can never prove nor disprove.

So there’s my entry for today.  Quite a hodge-podge, but I’m happy with it.  I hope you are, too.

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