When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Saturday, April 22, 2023

A guide to living a good life


Lord, you will show us the path of life. [Psalm 16:11]

Peter, where did you learn to orate like this?  I mean, you’re just a fisherman.  Yet you stand before a crowd and tell them the way to find salvation.  What’s come over you?  You used to be so tongue-tied, and not very subtle.  Yet today you reminded me that I should "conduct myself with reverence during the time of your (my) sojourning."  [1Peter 1:17-21]  What a marvelous bit of advice, so faith-filled, and so profound.  A guide to living a good life, and a reminder of the transitory nature of life as we know it, all in one thought.  I didn't know you had it in you – what’s caused this change in you?

Lord, you will show us the path of life.

Luke, why were the eyes of Cleopas and his friend closed to Jesus when he appeared to them on the road to Emmaus [Luke 24:13-35]?  And they stay closed, even though they walk a good distance together, and even though He explains the scriptures to them so it’s clear that He’s the messiah.  Why were they blind to the Lord, even though He was with them?  I'm sure if I were on that road, I would recognize Jesus in an instant.  I mean, how can anyone be so blind that they walk in the presence of the Lord and don't recognize Him?

Lord, you will show us the path of life.

And Luke, while we’re looking at this event, how is it that Cleopas and his friend finally recognize Jesus only when He breaks bread?  They weren't with the apostles at the Last Supper.  Has the symbolism, the presence of the Eucharist already manifested itself to the nascent church?  It certainly works for us, 2,000 years later, since we don't have Jesus in our midst every day.  He vanished when they recognized Him.  Where are we going to find Him today?  In the Eucharist?  On the road?  Are our eyes still closed? What do we need to do to have our eyes opened?

Lord, you will show us the path of life.

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