When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Jesus feeds our hungry spirit


The miracle of the loaves and fishes in John’s Gospel is a story that resonated with me as a child [John 6:1-15].  I’m not sure if it’s because we drew pictures of loaves and fishes in my catechism class or the fact that a young boy played a pivotal role with his small basket of loaves.  And in my grade-school mind, I’m sure the baskets were full of tuna fish sandwiches on white bread.

In my adult mind, reading the same Gospel, I am again drawn to the boy with five barley loaves and two fishes.  He suddenly finds himself among thousands of hungry people.  He was called into service, and he gave all that he had.  Like the young boy we are called into service to care for and feed those who are very hungry.  How have we responded to the call?  Saying to ourselves “I don’t have any gifts to give”?  “What I do have is meager and insufficient, so I won’t respond”?  We are called like the young boy to share what we have with others and let God do divine work as Jesus did.

I’m struck by other aspects of this miracle, too.  In the story of the loaves and fishes, people are hungry to hear His word and follow Jesus up a mountain.  Jesus as a man must have sometimes been hungry and thirsty and tired Himself.  The Gospels are filled with stories about Jesus sharing meals.  Each story tells us something more than that He was hungry.  Some of them illustrate His observance of Passover [Luke 17:35]; others depict Him as a dinner guest at the homes of Simon the Pharisee or Jesus’ friend Martha [Luke 7:36; 10:40]. There is even mention that Jesus was criticized for eating and not fasting as did John the Baptist [Matthew 9:14-17].  As Jesus’ words nourish our spiritual sides, He also acted to nourish the physical side.  Food and hunger are universal, something we can understand.

In my life, I’m often hungry, but I think the hunger is more for the spiritual than for a tuna-fish sandwich.  OK, sometimes both.

My most generous Lord, You not only give spiritual nourishment to Your people, You give it in superabundance.  Daily, as I seek You out and am filled with Your mercy, help me to never tire of feasting upon the superabundant gift of Your grace.  Please nourish me, dear Lord, and help me to consume Your holy Word.  Jesus, I trust in You.

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