When he was at table with them, he took the bread. He blessed the bread, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him!(Luke 24:13-35)

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Something beyond


Easter Sunday is past, now everything’s different.  Nothing is like it was before.  Something amazing and miraculous has happened, and we can’t go back to what it was like before. This was not like anything else that’s ever happened.  There have been other great leaders.  David was a great king, and he lived, but he died.  We can see his tomb.  But Jesus lived, and He died, and He rose.  That’s the difference.

I can totally understand why people would find that hard to believe.  It’s hard to believe even now.  Jesus’ own disciple Thomas couldn’t believe it [John 20:25-29].  You can’t blame them.  In all of human history – before and since – people are born and live and then they die.  And unfortunately, they stay dead.  I’ve watched my parents and all of my siblings die, and they are still dead.  But Jesus rose.

That fact changes everything.  It changes how we look at the world and how we look at life and how we look at death.  Now death isn’t just an ending it’s also a beginning.  Jesus told us then showed us that there’s something bigger, that there’s something beyond.

Of course the elders would try to discredit this story.  Of course they would try to say it didn’t happen, that the body was stolen or moved [Matthew 28:8-15].  This changes too much.  This means that there’s something beyond this physical world.  This means that there’s a rule beyond the political rule.  This changes everything we thought we knew about the world and our position in it.

We know now that this isn’t all there is.  We know now that there’s something beyond, and Jesus can lead us there.

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