It got me thinking about the meaning of the cross. As I was meditating on the cross (while driving!—Don’t try this at home, kids!), I was also listening to the tail end of one of Father Corapi’s sermons on Immaculate Heart Radio. He was speaking—of all things—on one meaning of the cross. The coincidence was too much to ignore and I took it as a sign that my meditation was on the right track.
I put together a visual aid to help me try and explain what Father was saying. I am not as educated as he is, so I will try to get it right.
The vertical beam of the cross represents our love for God simply because He IS God. The horizontal beam represents our love of our neighbor, as we love ourselves. They come together to form the cross that Christ died on for our salvation.
The major point that Father made is that the horizontal beam cannot bear the weight of Christ’s sacrifice without the vertical beam of our love for God. We must follow the Law in the right order; Love God with all our heart, mind and strength, THEN we are able, with His Grace to love our neighbor. It was out of total, uninhibited love of God the Father that Christ, in His humanity, found the grace and the strength to die for all of mankind for all time. Talk about loving your neighbor!
I thought I would put this out there as food for thought for New Year’s Day.
Oh! I almost forgot! New Year’s Day is also the Solemnity of the Mary, the Mother of God. Don’t forget to get to Mass!
Hail, Mary full of grace! The Lord is with thee. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the Fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.